
ITER is the world’s largest fusion experiment. Thirty-five nations are collaborating to build and operate the ITER Tokamak, the most complex machine ever designed, to prove that fusion is a viable source of large-scale, safe, and environmentally friendly energy for the planet.国际热核聚变实验官网入口网址

ICDP - International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, since 1996. - This version of the Web Site released Dec 2022.ICDP supports basic and applied research for Earth Scientists. As an intergovernmental organisation, ICDP provides funding and operational support for drilling projects. ICDP-supported projects study the structure, composition and processes of the Earth‘s continental crust through the unique capabilities of drilling. The science program focuses on these themes: Environmental Change, Georesources, Geohazards, Geodynamic Processes.国际大陆科学钻探官网入口网址