Microsoft Copilot APP最新版
更新日期:2024年 10月 25日分类标签:AI聊天机器人AI 助手功能 AI 聊天机器人 AI聊天机器人 Microsoft Copilot APP Microsoft Copilot 功能 智能对话系统语言:中文平台:
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Microsoft Copilot是由微软公司开发的一款AI助手应用程序,通过集成最新的OpenAI模型,如GPT-4和DALL·E 3,为用户提供快速、复杂且精确的响应。
Microsoft Copilot APP的简介
Microsoft Copilot是由微软公司开发的一款AI助手应用程序,通过集成最新的OpenAI模型,如GPT-4和DALL·E 3,为用户提供快速、复杂且精确的响应。Copilot能够理解用户的自然语言指令,帮助他们完成各种任务,如草拟邮件、总结文本、创建旅行行程、编写简历、翻译内容等。此外,它还能够根据文本描述生成高质量的图像,提升设计效率。
Microsoft Copilot APP的主要功能
- 对话式搜索:用户可以通过自然语言与Copilot进行对话,快速找到所需信息。
- 文本生成与编辑:Copilot能够帮助用户草拟和编辑邮件、撰写简历、生成旅行计划和创作故事等文本内容。
- 图像创作:根据用户的文本描述,Copilot能够生成相应的高质量图像,支持设计工作和创意表达。
- 多语言翻译与优化:支持多种语言的翻译、校对和内容优化,帮助用户跨越语言障碍。
- 跨设备使用:支持在网页端、iOS和Android设备上使用,用户可以随时随地访问Copilot的服务。
- 集成插件与自定义功能:用户可以根据需要集成插件或使用自定义的Copilot GPT模型,扩展功能。
- 设计与创作:利用DALL·E 3技术,用户可以探索设计新风格、创建品牌元素、制作社交媒体内容等。
- 生产力与创造力提升:结合GPT-4的强大处理能力和DALL·E 3的创意能力,Copilot旨在提升用户在工作、学习和个人任务中的效率和创造力。
Microsoft Copilot APP最新版下载地址:
Microsoft Copilot is the AI companion for everyday life. Talking with Copilot is an easy way to learn, grow and gain confidence, all with the help of the latest OpenAI and Microsoft AI models, including DALL·E 3 and GPT-4o.
Chat with AI to get a fresh perspective on your ideas. Use Copilot as a space to air your thoughts and get the support you need, when you need it.
Talking with Copilot is an easy way to learn, grow and gain confidence. Start a conversation, either with chat or with your voice, to bring the vast world of information straight to you. Your hard questions get straightforward answers, giving you complex insights from simple conversations.
Copilot is in your corner and by your side for whatever comes your way. Get help when you want it and a boost for when you’re almost there. Explore endless possibilities with instant AI image generation, sharp summaries and helpful rewrites. Generating images, writing, editing, research and everything in-between. With Copilot, you’ve got this.
Achieve more with Copilot, the AI companion that’s here to help.
Work smarter, enhanced with AI chat
• AI gets you summarized answers quickly. Get straightforward answers to your complex questions, all from simple conversations
• Translate and proofread across multiple languages, optimizing the text you need across hundreds of languages, including regional dialects
• Compose and draft emails, cover letters and update your resume
The support you need, when you need it, with the help of AI
• Compose stories or scripts
• Image generation technology turns your ideas into reality with DALL·E 3.
• Create high quality visuals from text prompts, rendering your concepts into stunning visuals, from the abstract to the photorealistic.
• Talk to AI about anything. Have conversations to spark inspiration or vent.
Image generation to help you achieve more
• Quickly explore and develop new styles and ideas, including logo designs and brand motifs
• Edit photos, remove backgrounds and create custom images
• Create illustrations for children’s books
• Curate social media content
• Visualize film and video storyboards
• Build and update a portfolio
Copilot combines the power of AI with the imaginative capabilities of the latest OpenAI models, DALL·E 3 and GPT-4o, all in one place. Download Microsoft Copilot, the AI companion that’s here to help.
*Copilot Pro subscribers can use Copilot in the web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Chinese Simplified. Those who have a separate Microsoft 365 Personal or Family subscription get the added benefit of using Copilot in the more fully featured desktop apps. Excel features are in English only and currently in preview. Copilot features in Outlook apply to accounts with @outlook.com, @hotmail.com, @live.com or @msn.com email addresses and are available in Outlook.com, Outlook built into Windows, and Outlook on Mac.