广告模拟器官网入口网址,广告模拟器: 广告模拟器是一个强大的广告模拟生成器,可以为Facebook、Instagram、谷歌展示网络和YouTube广告创建令人惊叹的预览。
Ceeya官网入口网址,Ceeya: Ceeya是一个个人品牌平台,帮助自由职业者、独资企业家和有才华的个人在自己的专业领域中脱颖而出。凭借人工智能生成的内容卡片,Ceeya使用户能够创建和发展个人品牌,推动与观众的互动,并实现专业知识的货币化。
Scale Insights™官网入口网址,Scale Insights™: AI驱动的亚马逊PPC自动化软件
HeyFriday - 顶尖AI写手官网入口网址,HeyFriday - 顶尖AI写手: HeyFriday是一款先进的AI写作助手,旨在帮助用户快速进行博客文章、广告或创意故事的头脑风暴和完成。它通过提供高效和有效的写作支持来节省时间和金钱。
Campaign's The Work showcases the latest US & international advertising campaigns covering TV, outdoor, press, radio & cinema ads.Campaign官网入口网址
MediaPost Publications is an on-line publishing resource for all advertising media professionals - TV, cable, radio, print, interactive, agencies, buyers, and reps - providing news, articles and commentary.MediaPost官网入口网址
APG is the home for Planners and Strategists. We believe in the power of strategy to solve business problems and transform brands and the importance of equipping planners and strategists with the training and inspiration they need to be bold and rigorous thinkers.APG官网入口网址
We talk about Design, Art, Photography, Advertising, Architecture, Style, Culture, Technology, and Social Media.Design TAXI官网入口网址
原生广告(Native Ads)监控和分析服务商,SpyOver官网入口网址
The Synthetic Standard官网入口网址,组织新闻和图像。
Taboola官网入口网址,Taboola is the world's leading discovery & native advertising platform that helps people explore what's interesting and new in the moment of next.www.taboola.com
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