Katya Kovalenko

Katya Kovalenko

Katya Kovalenko官网入口网址,I'm Katya Kovalenko, Presentation & Data Designer based in Barcelona. After a decade of working in advertising and communication ...

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Katya Kovalenko官网

Katya Kovalenko | I'm Katya Kovalenko, Presentation Designer based in Barcelona. After a decade of working in advertising and communication agencies I started my own creative business helping startups and companies from all over the world to develop their ideas into brands. In my work I combine analytical approach and simple aesthetics, often using data to tell visual stories. My Online Course "Principles of Presentation Design" https://www.domestika.org/en/courses/1581-principles-of-presentation-design/katyakovalenko Email: kkovalenko22@gmail.com | Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals.

I’m Katya Kovalenko, Presentation & Data Designer based in Barcelona. After a decade of working in advertising and communication agencies I started my own creative business helping startups and companies from all over the world to develop their ideas into brands.

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