IndoBERT Base Model (phase2 – uncased)
IndoBERT is a state-of-the-art language model for Indonesian based on the BERT model. The pretrained model is trained using a masked language modeling (MLM) objective and next sentence prediction (NSP) objective.
All Pre-trained Models
Model | #params | Arch. | Training data |
indobenchmark/indobert-base-p1 | 124.5M | Base | Indo4B (23.43 GB of text) |
indobenchmark/indobert-base-p2 | 124.5M | Base | Indo4B (23.43 GB of text) |
indobenchmark/indobert-large-p1 | 335.2M | Large | Indo4B (23.43 GB of text) |
indobenchmark/indobert-large-p2 | 335.2M | Large | Indo4B (23.43 GB of text) |
indobenchmark/indobert-lite-base-p1 | 11.7M | Base | Indo4B (23.43 GB of text) |
indobenchmark/indobert-lite-base-p2 | 11.7M | Base | Indo4B (23.43 GB of text) |
indobenchmark/indobert-lite-large-p1 | 17.7M | Large | Indo4B (23.43 GB of text) |
indobenchmark/indobert-lite-large-p2 | 17.7M | Large | Indo4B (23.43 GB of text) |
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